"The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, Voyager, sail thou forth to seek and find." ~Walt Whitman

Friday, May 16, 2008

Celebrate Graduation!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau

I would like to congratulate all our graduates! You have worked hard, learned well and reached new heights. These three years may seem to have flown by, but I remember when you were all 1Ls in the CSO Orientation, listening to the 2Ls and 3Ls talking about their jobs, wondering whether you would ever sound so confident and knowledgeable. And now you do. You are about to enter our Noble Profession at last!

I have a special message for those of you who are looking for jobs. Graduation can be bittersweet for those who have yet to secure a job offer. Questions from parents, relatives and friends about “what’s next” can take some of the joy out of the day. It is an understandable question, but for law graduates, who have the bar exam ahead of them, a premature one. The timing of legal jobs is thrown off by that 3-month postponement of your availability. For a great number of employers, there are later timelines for offers:

1. August/September, when you’re ready to work full-time.
2. November, when the bar results (in New York) are announced.
3. January/February, when you are admitted to practice.

These jobs are often with District Attorneys, small/medium firms, public interest agencies, almost any category! Even large firms and judges have hired later. The timing of an offer is not a measure of the quality of the job, nor of the candidate! As these times approach, I hope you will keep the CSO updated on your search so that we can help you on your way, and encourage you in your pursuit.

So in addition to my heartfelt congratulations, I want to encourage you to savor these celebratory days. You have earned every minute of them! Remember that Commencement is just that--a beginning. Not a deadline.

And to everyone in the class of 2008...you ROCK!! Keep in touch!

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