1. It is an indication of future performance.
2. It is a test of where you fit at this time. It isn’t a personal value-judgment.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” ~Henry David Thoreau
I would like to congratulate all our graduates! You have worked hard, learned well and reached new heights. These three years may seem to have flown by, but I remember when you were all 1Ls in the CSO Orientation, listening to the 2Ls and 3Ls talking about their jobs, wondering whether you would ever sound so confident and knowledgeable. And now you do. You are about to enter our Noble Profession at last!
I have a special message for those of you who are looking for jobs. Graduation can be bittersweet for those who have yet to secure a job offer. Questions from parents, relatives and friends about “what’s next” can take some of the joy out of the day. It is an understandable question, but for law graduates, who have the bar exam ahead of them, a premature one. The timing of legal jobs is thrown off by that 3-month postponement of your availability. For a great number of employers, there are later timelines for offers:
1. August/September, when you’re ready to work full-time.
2. November, when the bar results (in New York) are announced.
3. January/February, when you are admitted to practice.
These jobs are often with District Attorneys, small/medium firms, public interest agencies, almost any category! Even large firms and judges have hired later. The timing of an offer is not a measure of the quality of the job, nor of the candidate! As these times approach, I hope you will keep the CSO updated on your search so that we can help you on your way, and encourage you in your pursuit.
So in addition to my heartfelt congratulations, I want to encourage you to savor these celebratory days. You have earned every minute of them! Remember that Commencement is just that--a beginning. Not a deadline.
And to everyone in the class of 2008...you ROCK!! Keep in touch!
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” ~John C. Maxwell
"Judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday in order that yesterday may not paralyze today.” ~Felix Frankfurter
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” ~Groucho Marx
Watch your email in June for our complete kick-off announcement! In the meantime,
Did you miss the info session about Summer/Fall Recruiting? Listen to it here, and get the hand out in the Symplicity document library!
Oh, and by the way, the Groucho Marx reference is a reminder that job searching in any form, but especially Fall Recruiting, can be and incredibly stressful experience. Silliness can be a lifesaver!
“Often, things happen at the last minute.” ~Tom Luddy, Hollywood Film ProducerExams are winding down. If you are still looking for that perfect summer job, there are still opportunities available. Here are a few hits from the web--hese places still have postings up for summer clerks! Take a look, but remember that only a small percentage of jobs are ever posted, so don't be afraid to approach firms or corporations that interest you.
Liberty Mutual, law clerks: From Boca Raton, to NYC, to Mineola to Springfield, MA to San Diego. At least today, there are 14 clerk jobs posted here (type "clerk" in the keyword field).For new postings in Buffalo, including the Paychex Legal Department (paid!) in Rochester, The City of Buffalo Law Department, and the US District Court Pro Se Staff Attorney's Office, log in to Symplicity!
Progress Software, 2 IP law clerks: Bedford, MA No technical background required, posted on May 13 here (type "legal intern" in the keyword field)!
Conservation International, legal intern: Arlington, VA. From the Washington Post on May 13--information and application link here!
Enel North America, paid summer intern jobs in renewable energy, Andover, MA. From careerbuilder.com posted on May 2 here.
CACI, Law Clerk: Washington, DC posted April 29. Details here.
Arrow Electronics, legal intern: Melville, NY, posted April 17 here.
IBM, Law Intern: Bethesda MD, posted May 6 here.
“They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.” ~Actress Cleo Moore
Some words to train yourself away from:
No, Not, any word with n’t
Negative adjectives, like bad, ugly, horrible, etc.
Negative verbs like hate, dislike, oppose, fight, etc.
“We often pay our debts not because it is only fair that we should, but to make future loans easier” ~François de la Rochefoucauld
"Here is a brief, 5-minute web-based seminar providing more details regarding consolidation decisions for the class of 2008. http://graduateleverage.acrobat.com/classof2008/
I have also included a copy of our presentation handout as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
“Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?” ~Diogenes
1. Don’t cover up mistakes. Hiding a mistake can magnify the error and prevent it from being corrected. It also may give your supervisors reason to question your
2. Don’t abuse the staff. Hurtful words, screaming tantrums and inappropriate physical contact or intimidation are big no-no’s. Your reputation will be harmed and staffers will make your job more difficult. Bad behavior could also result in lawsuits. Learn to “play nice,” and if you blow up at someone, make sure you apologize.
3. Don’t badmouth clients and higher-ups. Your words may get back to those you criticize. Others who hear your tirades may wonder if you are making similar comments about them.
4. Don’t write angry words in an e-mail, and don’t respond to a “flaming” e-mail in kind. Assume your e-mail will be forwarded to others.
5. Don’t drink to excess. Social occasions with colleagues or clients should still be treated as business meetings.
Whew! I need to insert some positive language here. So, here are some great resources affiliated with these articles.
The National Law Journal has a great career page, and the ABA Journal has a career topic page. The ABA Journal main news page also has a weekly or daily subscription option, and an RSS feed, and even a "blawg" (law blog) directory, if you really want to keep up with the legal news!
"Out on the road today, I saw a dead-head sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said, dont look back. You can never look back." ~Don HenleyCheesecake, beer and diamonds. Who could ask for more! The myspace job$ section is funneling legal intern postings for Cheesecake Factory, Coors Brewing Company, Tiffany's and many others like Hewlett-Packard, Citi, and Allstate, for those of you who are turned on by printers, banking and insurance. Check out this link to a "Legal Intern" search.
“Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude that separates excellence from mediocrity.” ~UnknownThis spring, amid all the rankings-rancor, a Facebook group popped up called Proud to be a UB Law Student! Today it has 146 members. In the midst of a situation that many used as an excuse to gripe in public forum (they bit off their noses to spite their faces, you know), these 146 stood up and spoke for all that is great and wonderful about our school. Bravo to them!
"There is hardly a political question in the United States which does not sooner or later turn into a judicial one" ~Alexis de TocquevilleThis JUST came in!! Due date May 18, but don't wait that long if you can help it. It will be on Symplicity, but you saw it here first!
"Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue.” ~Edith WhartonWe have a number of "series" posts planned for this blog, as the more observant of you could surmise by the #1 in the "Summer Ideas" post. The COMMENT CALL series is an open invitation for you to participate with your own stories, insights and wisdom! Thanks to R&W Professor Laura Reilly for this great idea!
As you're thinking about this, don't forget to let the CSO know what you're doing! Weren't you curious about what people did over the summer? We don't know until you tell us! Email me directly (you could even refer to your comment on here and just tell me privately who you are) or fill out the survey in Symplicity (in your profile, click on "employment" and then "add new").
And. if you would like to submit a post about your experience during the summer, e.g., a really gratifying project, or enlightening event, let me know and I will give you a guest spot!"The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on." ~Dave BarryGuilt. It's the main reason we fall out of touch. Maybe you have a friend from college that you forgot to email back...three years ago. Now it's just awkward. Or, you haven't had time to keep in touch with that professor who wrote your recommendation for law school, and now you'd like to ask her advice again.
"There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary." ~Brendan BehanThe wonderful folks at "Out of the Jungle," including our own illustrious Jim Milles, Vice Dean for Legal Information Services and Director of the Law Library, have given a nod to our humble new blog. Check out our first review at:
"The only real training for leadership is leadership." ~Anthony JayThis is the first in a series of ideas of things to do, besides work, intern, sleep and watch movies over the summer.
1. Periodicals: Usually, there is a newsletter or bar journal included in your membership that will help you keep up on current legal issues in the field, and start introducing you to familiar names in that circle.
2. Events: CLEs, receptions, dinners, committee meetings, etc. You’ll be in a room full of lawyers that do what you want to do, where you want to do it! Talk to them! Some organzations, like the Hispanic National Bar Association, and the American Intellectual Property Law Assocation, to name just two, host student job fairs for members!
3. Leadership Opportunities: Often, you can join a sub-section or committee of the organization, or at least introduce yourself to the chair of one, and offer to help. If you can contribute your energy and enthusiasm to a project, it is the best way to make a great impression!
4. “Virtual” Presence: If your intended job market is far away, an affiliation with
the local bar can give you the savvy, networking and recognition that you need to keep linked up with that market.
5. Practice Expertise: By participating with a professional organization, you’ll start to talk the talk and sound like a lawyer!
Sound good? Here are two really great lists of bar associations. Hieros Gamos hosts a fantastic one that is geographically organized, and includes all of North America. Click on the state you’re interested in and an incredibly robust list appears. FindLaw provides a good supplement to this one, that is more national and specialty-oriented. Of course, neither is absolutely exhaustive (I noticed that the American Association of Nurse Attorneys, isn’t on either of them), so Google up one that suits your interest.
And don't forget our UB Law Alumni Association! They offer all the same benefits and more for students and alumni. For more information, and to join, click here. Those clubs that you joined back in high school were good training for this!
“You hit home runs not by chance but by preparation." ~Roger Maris
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” ~Ashley Montagu