"The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth to seek and find." ~Walt Whitman
Friday, May 16, 2008
Meet Our New Dean!
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” ~John C. Maxwell
Our own Dean Makau Mutua was profiled in the New York Law Journal today. This extensive and inspiring article gives a wonderful insight into his accomplishments and background. Thanks to Dean Ilene Fleischmann for sending it around!
The Career Services Office (CSO) functions as a resource center available to all University at Buffalo Law School students and alumni. The CSO Staff is here to assist those who are seeking career planning and employment information as well as those who seek to hire UB Lawyers.
Career Services Office University at Buffalo Law School The State University of New York 608 John Lord O'Brian Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 phone: 716-645-2056 fax: 716-645-7336 law-careers@buffalo.edu http://law.buffalo.edu/cso
The Career Services Office is dedicated to providing students and alumni the assistance, encouragement and support necessary to enable them to discover and pursue paths toward career development and advancement. We are committed to educating, training and empowering our constituents through services including:
-individual counseling -informative programming -interviewing opportunities -access to resources -connection to the UB alumni network
We endeavor to promote the national and international recruitment of University at Buffalo lawyers and thus help disseminate our outstanding graduates throughout the legal profession.
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