"There is hardly a political question in the United States which does not sooner or later turn into a judicial one" ~Alexis de TocquevilleThis JUST came in!! Due date May 18, but don't wait that long if you can help it. It will be on Symplicity, but you saw it here first!

The New York State Judicial Institute is a year-round center for judicial education and research designed to enhance the quality of the courts and ensure that the judiciary of this State sets the standard for judicial excellence around the country. Recognizing the importance of an informed and up-to-date court system, the Institute provides educational programs not only for its judges but for the State’s court attorneys and court personnel as well.
Law Intern Responsibilities: Assist the New York State Judicial Institute in the preparation of materials for Judicial programs. Contact program faculty to follow up on specific requests. Help develop and administer the program evaluation process and draft speakers’ biographies. Perform legal research on Westlaw, Lexis, government search sites, and the Internet. Perform other duties as assigned.
Qualifications: - Currently pursuing a Juris Doctor degree from an accredited law school.- Completion of one year of law school. - Able to work 20 hours a week.APPLICATIONS: To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume, including in the cover letter dates of your availability and number of hours you are available per week, to:
Leonie McCaulsky
Management Analyst
NYS Judicial Institute
84 North Broadway
White Plains, NY 10603
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: 2 (to start June 2, 2008)
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